Uvik Software — це команда з 30+ розробників, що допомагає замовникам з США створювати круті продукти. Для того, щоб мати змогу працювати з топовими замовниками, ми свідомо вирішили відмовитись від моделі великої компанії, бо кількість знижує якість.
18 липня 2024

Full Stack Python/React Developer (вакансія неактивна)

Чернівці, Івано-Франківськ, віддалено

We’re looking for an experienced 🟢 Full stack developer 🟢 who specializes in Python and Reactjs and is excited to engineer highly performant, mission-critical systems that are designed for agile development and rapid scaling.

Our tech stack includes: Python, Typescript, ReactJS, Redux, Django, App Engine, Cloud Firestore, Memcache, Cloud Tasks, Firebase, BigQuery, Elasticsearch, and more.

🧩 Required skills:

  • At least 3 years of experience in software development.
  • Knowledge of the principles of object-oriented programming and structured programming.
  • At least 3 years of Python development experience, ability to work with major Python libraries and frameworks.
  • Experience in creating and maintaining web services and APIs.
  • At least 2 years of experience with React.
  • Deep knowledge of JavaScript.
  • Experience developing React components and using core libraries such as Redux and React Router.
  • Experience with version control systems such as Git.

🪀What You will do:
Design, develop, test, deploy, maintain and improve
software with a strong focus on customer-facing features

🍀 We offer:
12 sick leaves and 18 paid vacation business days per year;
Comfortable work conditions (including MacBook Pro and Dell monitor on each work place);
Smart environment — interesting projects from renowned clients;
Flexible work schedule;

Write to us in Telegram