Tom Horn Gaming

21...80 спеціалістів
Київ, Братислава (Словаччина), Malta

2 відгуки

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Howdy Partner!

I’ve been working at this company for three years now, and it’s been a journey of ups and downs, with a fair share of challenges and achievements. To make it brief, it’s like that old movie with Clint Eastwood.

The Good:
The company embodies European values and approaches in a positive way. Due to its relatively small size, there is a strong sense of empathy between management and employees at all levels. The company is flexible with adopting new technologies and solutions, and is open to new ideas and changes in workflows.

The Bad:
Like many mid-sized European companies, there can be limitations in terms of capacity to implement changes quickly. This sometimes means stepping out of your usual role to assist colleagues in different areas. However, this extra effort is recognized and compensated with time off, which is appreciated, especially by those accustomed to a more intense work environment.

The Ugly:
I haven’t encountered any significant issues, and I hope it stays that way.

Overall, the work environment is usually calm with a steady pace, though occasional challenges do arise, much like in life. No one will judge you for taking a step back, but everyone appreciates it when you step up to help solve problems. This company has a human touch in both management and colleague interactions. Despite our geographical and mental differences, we are united in doing our best to earn a living.

Happy trails & don’t be a stranger.

As a candidate for the HR Business Partner role in your company, I wanted to share some feedback on my experience during the recruitment process. While I believe in the value of constructive feedback for growth and improvement, I felt compelled to outline areas where the process could be enhanced:

1. Recruiter needs to ensure that they are available for scheduled interviews or block off days when they won’t be available to avoid confusion and inconvenience for candidates. Apparently, I chose a day when the recruiter was off and it was mentioned casually when I pointed out after the interview was missed.

2. Technical glitches with scheduling software can be frustrating, especially when they occur twice. Candidates shouldn’t have to remind recruiters to send meeting links.

3. Sending a broken link to schedule an interview is definitely not ideal.

4. The job description promises remote work options from anywhere, but then the reality turns out to be different.

5. And finally a typical refusal message shortly before a scheduled interview saying:
“...All of us really enjoyed meeting you and learning about your skills and experiences...”

I haven’t had the chance to attend the interview yet, by the way.
But apparently, I made an impression on your team somehow :)

I suggest ensuring that your recruitment processes align with brand values and provide a positive experience for candidates, regardless of the outcome. Especially considering the positive image the company portrays on social media. I hope my feedback helps you improve the processes in the future. Because it was not painless, smooth, or comfortable for me at all.

Thank you for sharing your detailed feedback with us. We sincerely apologize for the issues you encountered during our recruitment process. Your insights are invaluable and will help us enhance our approach to ensure a better experience for all candidates!
We regret the inconvenience you faced and would like to address each point you mentioned:

1. We apologize for the scheduling confusion and inconvenience caused by the recruiter’s unavailability. We understand the importance of respecting candidates’ time and will ensure that our recruiters are available for scheduled interviews or have clear communication regarding their availability.

2. We recognize the frustration caused by technical issues with our scheduling software. We are taking steps to address these glitches to prevent them from occurring in the future. Additionally, we will ensure that meeting links are sent promptly and accurately.

3. Sending a broken link is indeed unacceptable, and we are working on improving our communication and verification processes to ensure this does not happen again.

4. We apologize for any discrepancies between the job description and the actual remote work policy. We are reviewing our job postings to ensure they accurately reflect our work environment and expectations.

5. We understand how receiving a refusal message before having the chance to attend an interview can be disheartening and confusing. We are reviewing our communication protocols to ensure that all messages sent to candidates are timely and appropriate.

Once again, we apologize for the negative experience and appreciate your understanding. We wish you all the best in your career endeavors.

Адміністрація вебсайту не гарантує і не підтверджує точність і достовірність будь-яких матеріалів, в тому числі відгуків і коментарів, які розповсюджуються не від імені Адміністрації, а від окремих користувачів. Адміністрація не несе відповідальності за відповідність таких матеріалів вимогам законодавства. Думки користувачів можуть не співпадати з думками Адміністрації.

Адміністрація не здійснює модерацію таких матеріалів, крім як у випадках, прямо передбачених Правилами користування вебсайтом ( Адміністрація не уповноважена вирішувати спори, які виникають між користувачами чи з третіми особами, чи бути стороною такого спору. У випадку порушення Ваших прав звертайтесь безпосередньо до автора відповідної інформації чи органу, компетентному вирішувати спори/встановлювати факти подібного роду.