Meet SuperPlay⚡️
Founded in 2019 by gaming industry veterans from Playtika, Rovio, PlayStudios and the film industry, we set out to create a billion-dollar company that delivers world-class, delightful games and has fun making them.
We gathered a core team and soft-launched our first title, Dice Dreams, within 6 months. Since then, the team has grown to include dozens of super-talented, dedicated and driven individuals.
Dice Dreams has become a global hit, and our plans for the future make us even more excited.
And following DiceDreams big success we’ve started to work on our new mega hit product.
Our values:
— Quality is king.
We believe in creating products that we’re proud of. We set player’s expectations super high, and challenge ourselves to meet and exceed those expectations.
— Data-driven, gut-guided.
Data-driven and numbers-obsessed, we never take our eyes off the prize, and challenge our assumptions every day.
— Strive for soul.
We aim to create experiences that are not just beautiful, but memorable, sparking laughter, connection and competition among our players.
Benefits for our SuperPlayers:
— Work in a fastest-growing product company.
Over the last two years, the company has expanded exponentially. It has opened 4 offices in different countries with a local office in Kyiv.
— Work with the company’s main product.
Our game DiceDreams has already had more than 40 million downloads. And we want our employees to impact the final product, realize their ideas, and grow with the company.
— Career growth.
We welcome the growth of our employees within the company and promote them to management positions.
— Professional growth.
We are interested in increasing the expertise of our specialists and managers, so the company pays for specialized courses and trainings.
— Work in a flexible schedule.
We have a hybrid format of cooperation, you can work both from the office and remotely, choose your comfortable hours.
— Comfortable and modern office.
We are located in the historical heart of Kyiv, near the Opera or Golden Gate.
— Health Care.
We pay sick leave and provide health insurance for our employees. If you are active and like sports our company is ready to pay for these activities.
— Recreation.
We have paid vacations, awesome corporate events, and the best team buildings.
— Financial motivation.
We offer a competitive salary, we are guided by the wishes of candidates, the company has regular salary reviews.
Apply to our opened positions now and enjoy our creative journey⚡️