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21 лютого 2020 12:34

Shevtsov Volodymyr, Frontend Developer з 2017 року

Hi there.
I was working at SoftServe company for a long time (as for me). Almost 2.5 years. So, hope that my feedback will be useful for someone!
The structure of your own growth at the company is very simple and if you r trying to do your job well — the company (or your PM) will give you an opportunity to realize yourself as a person/worker/team member! The company gives you an understanding of your future steps and ways of your career! And that’s very important! I was excited when I found my first JOB at IT. Almost all my friends mostly switch to another job after a year of working experience! But I was so glad to work there, that I even had no thoughts to switch to some other place! I am glad that I had such cool experience at so cool company like SoftServe!
If you interested why did I quit — I wanted to become a Project Manager. And at that moment the company had no such type of vacancy.
But now I reminisce that time with gladness!

Thanks for that!

Підтримали:  MP three Yustyna Dusan Oleksandr Koiuda


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I totally agree!