19 травня 2020 19:56
The company asked my to create an end-to-end solution (investigate and understand a problem, requirements, mockups, roadmap and pitch for the client) without talking to me. That’s the first step of the process: before a screening interview, before I had a chance to ask questions about the position and my responsibilities. This approach raises “red flag” for me.
Additionally: according to Viktor (see the comment below) “the hire to ‘no hire’ rate ranges from 1:30 to 1:100”, so you can calculate the ROI on this test task.
Романе, ви також тріггернулися їх, як вони, певно, вважали, рекламною статтею за авторством ПіплМенеджера? ) Молодець! Хай тепер віддуваються за огульність HR процесів )
Especially, after my proposal to discuss those and you declining to ask.
Ну come on! Та спустіться вже на землю. Ви хіба не знаєте, в чому зазвичай проблема?
— Ну ок, до мене ще є питання?
— До вас — немає
Вам не одна і не дві людини вказали, що процеси не дуже добре пахнуть, у відповідь ви та ваші колеги продовжуєте сліпо виправдовуватися та вигороджувати компанію. При тому, все це також завченими фразами, таргетованими на кастомерів, а не на потенційних співробітників. Це, до речі, також такий собі дзвіночок.
Dear Roman,
Thank you for your feedback about our hiring process.
Sorry to see you stating us not giving you a chance to discuss your questions. Especially, after my proposal to discuss those and you declining to ask.
Yes, we do expect candidates to solve a complex task as their future work will about solving complex issues. Of course, you have the right to decline, we do not force candidates to complete our test tasks if they don’t want.
And about the ROI, we are happy with hiring outstanding employees who stay with us for 5+ years even investing more time in their recruitment. In the end, if you actually calculate your investments in the more complicated and thorough selection process it will be still less compared to blind one-time recruitment. This is applicable both to employers and candidates who save up to 3 months of their time with the wrong company that negatively affects their CVs and forces them to search for a job again.
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