ХТО МИ PLVision — це технологічна компанія, яка спеціалізується на розробці програмних продуктів для комп’ютерних мереж та вбудованих систем. Ми створюємо повноцінні програмні продукти або ж окремі фічі для них. Завдяки нашій унікальній спеціалізації ми активно розширяємо діючі та стартуємо нові проєкти навіть в умовах війни.
18 листопада 2024

Software Engineer (Go/Python) (вакансія неактивна)

Краків (Польща)

PLVision invites a talented Software Engineer to join our team and contribute to our new, exciting project. If you have experience working with Golang, Python, Linux, and network protocols and possess excellent problem-solving and analytical skills, this position is for you! In this role, you will be responsible for developing automated test cases to validate modern Software-Defined Networking (SDN) controllers for an industry-leading client, ensuring their efficiency, reliability, and scalability.

PLVision’s in-demand specialization in computer networking allows us to expand existing projects and launch new ones, ensuring you have a long-term, stable job in a collaborative and rewarding environment. Join us, cooperate with our experienced team, and unleash your full potential.

About PLVision
We are a software product development company specializing in computer networking and embedded systems. PLVision has offices in Krakow, Poland, and Lviv, Ukraine. Founded in 2007, the company helps networking industry leaders and ambitious startups in the U.S., Israel, and the EU countries to launch innovative products.

Vacancy responsibilities:

• Validate the quality of networking devices, SDN controllers, and NOS
• Test automation and execution
• Collaborate with the customer team on requirements and progress
• Perform test analysis and debugging

Vacancy requirements:

• Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science or a related technical discipline
• 2+ years of commercial experience in Software Development or Test Automation
• Proficiency in Golang
• Good knowledge of Python
• Good knowledge of Linux, at least as a user
• Basic understanding of network fundamentals (L2/L3, routing/switching)
• Understanding of SDN principles
• Good communication skills and the ability to learn quickly

Vacancy plus options:

• Experience with Ondatra test frameworks
• Experience with OpenConfig
• Experience with gRPC
• Experience with Cisco IOS
• Understanding of CI/CD pipelines and Jenkins
• Experience in virtualization, containerization, and Python virtual environments