P-Product, Inc.

81...200 спеціалістів
Київ, Харків, Стамбул (Туреччина)

Founded in 2006, P-Product is an international US-based software development company proficient in Web, mobile, desktop & IoT development and support, as well as having extensive expertise in digital signal processors (DSPs), i.e. embedded development.
Our Headquarters are located in Massachusetts while R’n’D centers are in Ukraine: in Kyiv and Kharkiv. We conduct our research and development projects in the Computer Vision, Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence areas of expertise.

P-Product, Inc. is a growing software consulting company, having high-quality development standards, effective projects expertise and great working experience with customers.

We offer software & hardware development, technical support, IT-consulting, remote administration, and system integration services for various verticals & markets, providing our customers with the best solution for any complex task, creative problem solving and comfortable partnership models.

We have an effective and flexible methodology of works convenient for all our customers. Our Company has good records of accomplishing multi-domain projects for US, European, Asian, and Ukrainian partners.

We started our business from DSP — Digital Signal Processors. We like this word and we want to bring new meaning to the DSP term. We want to be your DSP — your Dedicated Service Provider.

Вакансії P-Product