Human Agency

21...80 спеціалістів
Київ, Saint Louis

Нuman Аgency — American product IT-company with full-service digital agency helping anyone with a message break through the noise and connect with the world. Our commitment is to the free exercise of our „Experience” and to ensure anyone has the tools they need to make their voice heard online. Our flagship product, Experience, is a digital organizing tool that lets you effectively connect with your supporters, customers, or community to move them to action. Nonprofit leaders, campaign organizers, recruiters, and so many more use Experience to raise funds, generate leads and build their movements.


We are a team of technologists, nonprofit leaders, and entrepreneurs driven by purpose and dedicated to the free exercise of our human agency. Working here is a partnership. We’re committed to making a positive impact in the world while ensuring that this is a truly meaningful and rewarding place to work.


🌟 Empower people to lead lives they find meaningful
Create the best way for a person to advocate for themselves and their values.
Promote public awareness and policies that serve people beyond the use of our product.
Serve humanity. People are our bottom line. Everything else is instrumental.

🌟 Deliver Real Impact
Be the most effective at achieving positive outcomes.
Generate and maximize results.
Create real and lasting impact.

🌟 Think Different and Think Big
Do what has not been done before.
Establish a new paradigm unconstrained by how things have been done before.
Define a world in which people are truly empowered and for us ‘innovation’ is creating that world.

🌟 Pursue Pragmatic Idealism
Leverage the world we are given.
Seek a better tomorrow.
Create the world that is possible.

🌟 Educate and Tell Stories
Inspire others to make stories on the platform and to share our stories.
Make a product that is informative and compelling.
Market through education and stories.

🌟 Live with Purpose, Love, and Adventure
Do work driven by purpose.
Love the people you work with.
Make everything you do is a game or an adventure.