18 квітня 2021 14:18

Gregory Klochnyk, UX/UI Designer в Movadex

Working with Movadex is always something new and full of challenges.
Everyone is responsive and responsible regardless of position, team, and location.

Projects are always interesting and exciting, so you can always propose a good solution on any related task. Communication with clients usually is direct, and you can easily implement your ideas and get fast feedback, but you always have great support from management.

One another important part is education.
Because regardless of the level at which everyone learns, with the development of each employee, the company develops itself.
Library, interests clubs (especially design), English classes, all these things you can enjoy working in the company.

Proactiveness is the main goal and main engine in the company. We don’t want to be just another IT company, we want to be very special.

Підтримали:  Iryna Ketsman


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