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I have been working at Modus Soft for 2 years now and I can say that the atmosphere here is really special. The team is not just colleagues, but a real small family where you can always expect support. The working process is comfortable, and the management is open to communication and listens to employees’ opinions. There are opportunities for development, interesting tasks and pleasant bonuses.

I am glad to be part of such a family! :)

Підтримали: Iryna Terletska

While working here at Modus Soft, I see how a company expands its possibilities, gets new projects, hires new people, and is a marker of stability and trust for me. I am excited about how Modussoft helps former employees who defend our freedom.
One positive aspect is that you can share your ideas and be listened to.
Here I found great people, an interesting project, a supportive team, and confidence in the future as a team member and the company.

Підтримали: Iryna Terletska

I worked at Modus Soft (formerly LvivSoft) from 2013 to 2017, and it was my first job in IT. Honestly, I couldn’t have asked for a better start! The atmosphere was super friendly and welcoming—everyone was supportive, and it felt more like a close-knit team than just coworkers.

One of the things I really appreciated was the open communication and the fact that management actually listened. There was very little bureaucracy compared to big companies, so you didn’t have to jump through endless hoops to get things done. Communication was direct, decisions were made quickly, and if you had an idea or a problem, you could just talk to the right person without layers of approvals slowing everything down.

Even as the company grew, they managed to keep that same open and positive vibe. There were always opportunities to learn and grow, and the supportive environment made it easy to develop professionally.

I have nothing but great memories from my time there. If you’re looking for a place where you’ll work with awesome people, feel supported, and actually enjoy what you do—without drowning in corporate red tape—Modus Soft is definitely worth considering!

Працюю тут майже 4 роки. Подобається дружня атмосфера, гнучкий графік, цікаві проекти та можливість розвиватися. Є також багато бенефітів, зокрема курси англійської, регулярні подарунки від компанії і класні тімбілдинг івенти.

Підтримали: Iryna TerletskaDanylo Koval

It’s not often you find a company that feels like a family, but I think I had that with ModusSoft (formerly LvivSoft). This was my first-ever job, and having no prior experience, it was great being surrounded by so many skilled people willing to help. I grew a lot, both professionally and personally, during my time here.

The company also puts effort into organizing fun and productive team gatherings, holiday celebrations, and even supporting former employees who are now at war.

In terms of career growth, it largely depends on the project you’re working on. If you do a good job, your efforts will be recognized and rewarded!

The company offers a cozy and friendly atmosphere, where teamwork and innovation thrive. The office environment is comfortable, and the management truly cares about employees’ well-being. Plenty of opportunities for growth, flexible work arrangements, and a supportive team make it an excellent choice for IT professionals. Happy to be a part of this team :)

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