If you are:
— 3+ year student;
— you have basic C++ skills;
— you have basic OOP, Websites architecture ideas;
— you do not have working experience;
— but you do have willingness to start your career in a big IT company;
— and you have willingness to work with cutting-edge
You are welcome to apply to this educational program/
To apply you need to fill out the registration form www.materialise.com/careers/application/962
Materialise Academy is your chance to get 3 months of practical experience in C++ working in a team on real project, and it is starting on April 28.
It’s not similar to university studying, it’s opportunity to see software project life cycle, requirements, testing process from inside.
What you need:
•basic C++ skills;
•OOP knowledge;
•3-dimentional thinking
•be an open-minded team player
•be ready to absorb & apply knowledge, ask questions, write code
•willingness to start your career and grow with Materialise;
You are welcome to apply to this educational program!
To apply you need to fill out the registration form www.materialise.com/careers/application/962
What you get:
•3 months of hard studying (6 hours per day)
•opportunity to participate in real-like project
•diving to different aspects of software development (version control systems, configuration control, requirements management, software testing)
•team work experience
•grant for the best students
•opportunity to get job!
Selection process:
1.Fill in the registration form www.materialise.com/careers/application/962
2.Pass practical test (includes C++, Algo and other questions);
3.Pass technical and HR interview;
You did everything successfully? Welcome on board!
Do you have questions?
Post them to bit.ly/10U4FXR
Also you may find us at the job fair in your University:
•March 28, 13:00, National Kiev-Mohyla Academy, building 4, 2nd floor, Culture and Arts Centre;
•April 8, 10:00, Taras Shevchenko National Univesity, Cybernetics Faculty;
•April 17, 10:00, NTUU „KPI” building 18;
Refferal program:
Tell your friend(s) about Materialise Academy and ask them to fill out „referred by” field during the registration. After they pass the probaion period wih Materialise you will receive $100 bonus.
Legal notice:
Відправляючи резюме, я добровільно надаю ТОВ „Матеріалайз Україна” згоду на обробку моїх Персональних даних з метою здійснення комерційної діяльності. Обсяг моїх Персональних даних, щодо яких здійснюється процес обробки визначається як будь-яка інформація про мене, що міститься в моєму резюме. Я підтверджую, що мені зрозуміла мета обробки та мої права, визначені Законом України „Про захист персональних даних”. Я повідомлений, що мої персональні дані будуть включені до бази персональних даних „Кандидати”.
To apply you need to fill out the registration form www.materialise.com/careers/application/962