19 травня 2015 2:32

Elena Ignatyeva, Copywriter з 2008 року

Thank you for the chance to leave my feedback. I have been working for the company for over 2 years now and I wish to continue working for KeepSolid Inc. for many years to come. Aside from the fact that the company produces quality applications and services and is well-known on international business market, the management pays close attention to providing the best working environment and absolutely great earning opportunities for their employees. The care doesn’t stop on giving comfortable office spaces, but continues into providing other important benefits along with development of true team spirit. Many employees have been with the company for over 5-7 years and they are more than satisfied. Another important benefit is that KeepSolid Inc. encourages and contributes into employees’ professional development and growth. Many programmers acquire additional skills as they learn to code for different OS: Mac OS X, MS Windows, Linux, iOS and Android. Aside from having a solid ground for present growth, the company puts a lot of effort in the development of future business trajectories and powerful marketing strategies that will allow even greater employees’ hiring and placement and will ensure stable income with the focus on professional growth of their employees.


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