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22 серпня 2016 12:23

Ruben Movsesyan, Lead UI Dev в Codeforges

A little bit of a bad HR:

So ive agreed with Kirill K (kyrylo.kozhemyakin) for a Interview on 16 August at 12-00 (Kiev time).
I was there at the right time but no one contacted me , ive used skype to call him on phone and he told me that he is sorry , the dev who should interview me was sick . It can happen im ok with that if i got inform at-least a couple of hours before the meeting , so that didnt happened .
Next we agreed to reschedule the meeting , on 22 August 12-00 (Kiev time).
Again no anwseres , i had to call him on mobile and got a blurred answers that he didnt understood me.

Dear EPAM Management , i know you are a big and successful company , i hope that you will take some steps to improve such issues.


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Dear Ruben,

Thank you for writing to EPAM. We apologize for the inconveniences caused by this incident.
Our colleague already contacted you in order to successfully resolve it.

We appreciate your time and openness to continue the conversation, and hope we’d have a chance to work with you!

Please refer you refer all your questions and feedback to [email protected] at any time.



Підтримали: Ruben Movsesyan