DAN.COM was founded in 2014 and focuses solely on solving the biggest problems that the domain industry faces. Our platform makes a change of control and ownership of domains easier, safer and faster. DAN.COM is rated as the best domain marketplace in the world and fifth-best online marketplace overall according to Trustpilot.
You may think..Domains? This is a global marketplace that has been traditionally slow and non-transparent. We are changing that. We are leading the way in transforming this space already and we haven’t even scratched the surface of what is possible and what we want to create.
Our product is a well organised monolith written in Rails. Why rails? because it lets us get shit done. our product is always evolving and we are always innovating.
This is where you come in...
If you are are looking for a role where you will be challenged to think outside of the box, to stay innovative, produce clean and organised code, iterate fast, then this will be the right place for you....