Brocoders — це аутсорсингова компанія з розробки ПЗ та консалтингу. Переважна бiльшiсть наших проектiв — це стартапи, якi допомагають вирiшувати проблеми бiзнесу у сферах Fintech, Agrotech, Event management тощо, а нашi клiєнти — iз найрiзноманiтнiших куточкiв планети: вiд Америки до Австралii.
3 вересня 2024

Full Stack Developer (Ruby + React + Google Cloud) (вакансія неактивна)

Суми, віддалено

We are looking for a Full Stack Developer (Ruby + JS + Google Cloud) with the following skills (backend tasks outweigh frontend tasks) to join our ever-growing Bro-team worldwide (

Information about the project: a platform that enables marketers to create an immersive customer journey.


  • deliver high-quality code;
  • effectively collaborate with the customer team to provide best solutions;
  • participate in grooming and planning sessions;
  • implement business ideas into fully-working features.

What You Need:

  • at least 3+ years with Ruby on Rails;
  • at least 1+ years of experience with Google Cloud Platform (GCP);
  • at least 2+ years with JS;
  • experience with MongoDB;
  • understanding of OOP and software development best practices;
  • consistent knowledge of RESTful API design;
  • specs coverage on a regular basis;
  • upper-Intermediate English level.

The required skills need to be up to date.

What we offer:

  • possibility to work remotely;
  • experience working with customers worldwide;
  • сompetitive salary;
  • clear lead generation and sales processes;
  • regular guidance and mentoring;
  • personal and professional growth;
  • good company portfolio;
  • flexible work schedule.